By the beginning of the fetal period, synapses, or connections between nerve cells, are found within the cerebral cortex. By 9 weeks, the nerve receptors in the face, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet can sense and respond to light touch. 
In female fetuses the uterus is identifiable by 9 weeks and, within the fetal ovary, immature germ cells called oogonia, are replicating via mitosis. Outside the body, the genitalia begin to differentiate as either male or female. In the larynx, the appearance of vocal ligaments signals the onset of vocal cord development. The fetus experiences a huge burst of growth between 9 and 10 weeks as weight increases approximately 77 percent.
The corpus callosum, which connects the left and right sides of the brain, begins to develop at this time. Upon stimulation of the upper eyelid, the eyes roll downward. 
The sections of the intestine temporarily displaced into the umbilical cord by the precociously-large liver return to the abdominal cavity. 
By this time the abdomen has grown large enough to hold everything it will permanently house. Blood-filtering groups of capillaries called glomeruli begin their formation in the kidneys. By this point, ossification is underway in most bones. 
By 11 weeks, the nose and lips are completely formed. 
The fetus can now produce complex facial expressions and, according to one group of researchers, is capable of smiling. As with every other body part, facial appearance will change at each stage of the life cycle. The fetus’ intestine begins to absorb glucose and water from swallowed amniotic fluid. 
Though gender is determined at fertilization, genitalia now distinguish male from female.Between 11 and 12 weeks, a second huge burst of growth occurs as weight increases by roughly 58 percent. 12 weeks also marks the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.
The taste bud cells that appeared by 7 weeks have matured into discrete taste buds, but are still scattered throughout the mouth. By birth, the taste buds will be confined to the tongue and palate or roof of the mouth.
Bowel movements begin as early as 12 weeks and continue until 18 weeks. The material first expelled from the fetal and newborn colon is called meconium
It is composed of digestive enzymes, proteins, and dead cells shed by the digestive tract. The bladder now contains cells organized in patterns and resembling smooth muscle.
By 12 weeks, the arms have grown to approximate their final proportion relative to body size. As usual, leg development is slower than arm development and the legs still have not achieved their final proportion.
The whole body surface, except the top of the head and the back, responds to light touch. 
[Ref: Prenatal Overview by the Endowment for Human Development]

Baby Development Area
Omnio Activity
Props /Assistance
Physical Development
Use Natural Scrub for your daily bath
Natural Bath Scrub 
If you need assistance 
please email
Emotional Development
Resolve to remain unperturbed with the emotion of  Self Pity; if it surfaces repeatedly educate your child to reject it through mind talk

If you need assistance 
please email
Intellectual Development
Enrolling for a short term course on child development or parenting. Do not chose subjects like embryology or gynaecology that could portray the challenges of pregnancy

A simple course on Child Development / Parenting 
If you need assistance 
please email
Sensorial Development
Focus on touch and feel of rough textures : bumpy, scaly, coarse
Props like Coarse sand, rough surfaces , rocks, stones, 
Creative Development
Cooking: Be connected with your baby as you cook, explaining in detail through mind talk, all the sensorial experiences you are having. 

Home Kitchen, New Recipes
Spiritual Development 
Embark upon a discovery of spiritual concepts and self realisation through your mentor or family member upon whom you have faith
A simple book on spirituality 
If you need assistance 
please email
Devotional Development
Engage in religious and cultural practises without anxiety or bias

If you need assistance 
please email

[Scientific Facts included are presented in Prenatal Overview by the Endowment for HumanDevelopment
The table of activities are created and distributed by Omnio Future]